Your Full-Service
Water Treatment Experts
We help local Lower Susquehanna Valley families get & maintain great tasting, healthy, soft water so they can clean less, live fuller, and enjoy their homes more without breaking the bank!
“Excellent service from top to bottom. The technician was very attentive to detail in every aspect of the service. Made sure everything was done correctly and well worth the time. Thank you very much.” – Mike G, A 5-Star Google Review
Book a Free Water Test Today & Find Out What’s In Your Water!
Why Choose Us?
How can we help you?
Our water specialists are ready to help you solve these common water issues!
Hard Water
More than just a pain to clean, hard water can cause permanent damage to water-using appliances, pipes, faucets, and fixtures. Luckily, there’s an all-natural solution that will protect your home…
Iron &
Mineral Stains
Iron causes red/orange stains and can be seriously hard to clean up. There are two different types of iron, both treated by different methods, so a free home water test can help you determine the best plan of action.
Bad Tasting and/or
Contaminated Water
Most water contamination happens AFTER the water leaves your local water treatment plant. Between the miles of pipes, and the use of chlorine, it’s not unusual for water to be contaminated & taste pretty gross.
Lifetime RainSoft Warranty
Call (717) 415-5603 to Learn More!
Exceptional quality and durability are engineered into every RainSoft water treatment system.
We offer unsurpassed service and warranty coverage for all of our water conditioning systems: While the standard among our competitors is to offer a limited warranty on selected parts, RainSoft customers get much more. With a RainSoft Water Treatment System you will get the most comprehensive warranty in the water treatment industry.
Tested & Certified: Many RainSoft products and components are tested and certified by independent, third-party testing and validating organizations like the Water Quality Association and NSF International.
Verified Local Lower Susquehanna Valley Reviews
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We have a variety of systems and purchase options to fit your home and financial needs. From affordable purchase options, convenient rentals, and financing solutions, getting healthy water for your home and family has never been so easy.
Local Info
Water Treatment Lancaster Pennsylvania
Water Treatment Companies in Lancaster
PA Water & Energy Solutions was founded in 1984 as a water treatment company and has been offering the best commercial and residential water softeners, reverse osmosis systems, water filters, bottled water, and more for decades in the Lancaster area. We’ll give you a free water analysis and figure out the ideal water treatment system for your home or office application. We carry water softeners, filters, and RO systems from RainSoft, and have everything from high quality affordable options to the highest tech items that can connect via wifi. Give us a call for a free consultation today.
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501 Service Road Suite 2 Lancaster Pennsylvania 17601 Phone Number: (717) 415-5603 Hours: Monday - Friday 8am to 5:30pm About Lancaster Pennsylvania: Directions:Water Treatment Company Reviews:
See why we are one of the best water treatment companies near me Google Reviews:,-76.3277728,15z/data=!4m7!3m6!1s0x0:0x2461903eeb65ec32!8m2!3d40.069496!4d-76.3277728!9m1!1b1 Facebook Reviews: Yelp Reviews: Angie’s List: Home Advisor: BBB Reviews:

Water Filter Supplier Lancaster Pennsylvania
Water Softening Equipment Supplier Lancaster Pennsylvania
Water Testing Service Lancaster Pennsylvania
Some of our other important drinking water service pages:Free Water Test Lancaster
Lancaster Drinking Water
Local Reviews Lancaster
PFAS in Drinking Water Lancaster
Lancaster Water Service
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Sulfur Smell in Water Lancaster
Water Filtration System Lancaster
Water Softener Systems Lancaster
Whole House Water Filter Lancaster
Counties in/near Lancaster: Lancaster County, York County, Cumberland County, Dauphin County, and the Lower half of Dauphin County Cities in/near Lancaster: Lancaster, York, Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg and Carlisle Zip Codes in/near Lancaster: 17601, 17622, 17602, 17699, 17603, 17608, 17401, 17403, 17404, 17405, 17025, 17102, 17108, 17108, 17122, 17043, 17103, 17110, 17123, 17070, 17104, 17120, 17124, 17101, 17105, 17121, 17125, 17126, 17127, 17128, 17129, 17130, 17055, 17013 Neighborhoods in/near Lancaster: Frequently Asked Water Treatment Questions:What is water treatment?
Water treatment is any process that improves the quality of water for a specific purpose. Reasons for improving water quality may include drinking, cooking, bathing, or other household activities.
How does water treatment work?
Water treatment works by running water through chemicals and filters to remove toxins and hazards. This is done at both the municipal level and at a private level in homes and/or businesses. While a water treatment plant may make water potable again, healthy, clean, quality water can only be truly achieved at the point of service (pos). This is because the water running to your home or business, from the municipal water supply, picks up contaminants from the pipes it runs through. In home water treatment, or POS systems, run your water through an additional set of filters and media that remove contaminants that may have both been picked up from the city water pipes and those that may not have been removed to begin with.
How many steps are in the water treatment process?
There are typically 9 steps in the municipal water treatment process: Collection, Screening and Straining, Chemical Addition, Coagulation and Flocculation, Sedimentation and Clarification, Filtration, Disinfection, Storage, and finally Distribution. Private water treatment systems for homes or businesses can have anywhere from 3 to 16 filtration stages that work to remove additional contaminants. Some of these stages include carbon, reverse osmosis, uv light, and remineralization.